STAR Smog Station
STAR Smog Station Berkeley, CA
Smog checks in California were introduced as a measure to improve air quality. Smog check inspections are required every two years for cars six years old or greater. They are also required whenever a car is being sold. The smog check program is authorized by the (BAR) Bureau of Automotive Repair, but inspections are conducted by independent stations licensed by the state. Meaning that at our STAR smog station in Berkeley, CA charges are set or collected by BAR; they are market driven.
Though smog STAR stations are instrumental in implementing the federal clean air act, they boost your vehicles’ performance. As such, if you want to cruise the historic Golden Gate Bridge smoothly, invest in timely inspections and repairs if recommended. Note that, you may be asked to conduct an early smog test if your car is selected randomly to participate in the smog check program evaluation.
We recommend you take a look at our great resources for those interested in learning how to pass a smog test.

What’s the difference between a regular smog station and a STAR smog station?
A regular smog station conducts less strenuous tests, and there are numerous regular smog stations in Berkeley, CA. A STAR smog station is mandated by the Bureau of automotive repairs to conduct strenuous tests by participating in its STAR program. There are two STAR smog station types; a STAR test only station and a STAR test and repair station. STAR test only stations just conduct tests while STAR test and repair stations conduct tests and repairs.
What is the cost of a STAR smog check?
The regular price range for a STAR smog check in Oakland or Berkeley, CA is $45 to $100. However, there are coupons available like our $20 off coupon. Some vehicles like SUV’s, trucks, start certified vehicles and vehicles older than the year 2000 models attract additional fees. So, it is advisable to contact a local smog star station in the Berkeley area of your choice to determine the exact cost.
Why does my vehicle need a STAR smog check?
Your vehicle may need a STAR smog check as adherence to the California state regulations as well as to ensure that it is operating at its best. With time, some vehicles emit high levels of harmful air pollutants. Hence, STAR smog checks may be recommended to reduce the risk of air pollution among other environmental issues.
How do I find a STAR smog near me?
A STAR smog station in Berkeley, CA should have a signpost that notifies people of its BAR certification. The STAR sign should be in bright red colour and hanged near or under the smog check sign. Alternatively, you can use the BAR locator tool and search “star smog near me in Berkeley, CA” to quickly locate a STAR station.
What are the benefits of using a STAR smog station for my vehicle?
A STAR smog station certified in California must have all the equipment and experience required to inspect your vehicle accurately as per the California state standards. Moreover, STAR smog stations must adhere to the BAR’s quality standards.